Category Archives: Weapons Charges

Pittsburgh Senior Gets Weapons Charges After Driving Dangerously
It is possible to get criminal charges for actions related to unloaded guns; not all gun crimes involve shooting. Sometimes the mere presence of a firearm is enough to result in criminal charges. Charges for unlawful possession of a firearm depend on context; you might be doing something that is perfectly legal in your… Read More »

Harrisburg Resident Faces Criminal Charges For Threatening Parishioners During Church Service
In Pennsylvania, as in many other states, there are plenty of ways to break the law that involve guns but do not involve shooting. It is a crime to use a gun to threaten someone; depending on the circumstances, this could lead to charges of assault with a deadly weapon, armed robbery, or possession… Read More »

Bad Idea: Speeding Past A Police Car In A Snowstorm With An Expired Concealed Weapons Permit
Common sense says that you should always be careful because you never know who has a concealed weapon. Meanwhile, as long as you have a concealed weapons permit, you have the right to carry a weapon with you to most places, and most of the time, people will be none the wiser. In fact,… Read More »