Category Archives: Traffic Violations

Driver Turns Himself In After Leaving The Scene Of Accident That Injured Child
Everyone knows that you are not supposed to run from the law, but what are you supposed to do instead? When you get arrested at a traffic stop or when a police officer claims to have caught you in the act of a crime, both instinct and legal theory compel you to play possum;… Read More »

Can You Get Criminal Charges For Intentionally Causing A Freak Accident?
Florida is the state that people tend to associate the most with freak accidents and freakish occurrences; introduced species from virtually all hot, humid corners of the earth flourish in Florida’s waterways and stroll across its roads. In Florida, you have a greater chance of getting struck by lightning or bitten by an alligator… Read More »

Can A Broken Taillight Lead To An Arrest?
It’s 2023, and everyone is busy. With the costs of necessities skyrocketing, everyone is living paycheck to paycheck, whether they have salaried jobs supplemented by gigs or are full-time participants in the gig economy. The laid back days of the pandemic, when there was nothing to do but binge watch TV shows and wait… Read More »

You Can Go To Jail For Having An Open Container Of Alcohol In Your Car In Pennsylvania
In Pennsylvania law, a summary offense is a violation of the law that is less severe than a misdemeanor. Most traffic violations are summary offenses; only the most dangerous ones, such as drunk driving, are misdemeanors or felonies. It is still a good idea to hire a criminal defense lawyer for traffic court when… Read More »

Erie Man Arrested After Dropping Child Off At School Immediately After Hit And Run Accident
Everyone makes mistakes, especially when driving. Most preventable traffic mistakes do not count as crimes, especially when you do not cause an accident, or if you do, it is a minor enough accident that no one gets injured. Of course, some driving behaviors are so dangerous that you can get criminal charges even if… Read More »

Defendant Waives Arraignment After Intentionally Crashing into Another Car
The risks associated with car collisions are so great that you can face criminal penalties for violating some traffic laws, even if you do not cause an accident. For example, you can go to jail for DUI, with the sentence increasing for each subsequent DUI conviction; a woman in Texas is currently serving a… Read More »
Criminal defense for traffic violations
As an experienced Pennsylvania criminal defense attorney, I understand the turmoil people go through when they are pulled over for a traffic citation and deal with the realization that they may have to relinquish their driver’s license. Everyone speeds. We know this. And it is often because they are trying to keep up with the flow… Read More »
Texting while driving more dangerous than drunk driving?
What’s just one more text, right? It’ll only take a few seconds. Many drivers, both experienced and not, think that just one more text message, or a quick glance at a message received, is harmless. But that is not the case. People tell me all the time: “But I was only texting when he… Read More »