Category Archives: Theft Crimes

Casino Employee Faces Charges For Stealing Money From Cash Register
Many people who are recovering from an addiction can tell you that they knew things were getting bad because they got arrested for drunk or drugged driving, drug possession, or a low-level financial crime such as theft. What happens after such an event depends less on the nature of the crime and more on… Read More »

Couple Who Sold Used Cars On Facebook Marketplace Accused Of Receiving Stolen Property
“Possession is nine tenths of the law” is one of those proverbs that run through people’s heads when they have reason to believe that they will be charged with a crime, but which you should not try to act on when consulting a lawyer. The words “possession is nine tenths of the law” do… Read More »

Pittsburgh Man Pleads Guilty To Theft Of FBI Vehicle
It is possible for the courts of Pennsylvania to convict a person of a theft crime even if the stolen property was not in the defendant’s possession when the police found it. There only needs to be compelling evidence that the defendant stole the item or items from the rightful owner. Many theft cases… Read More »

Cumberland County Man Faces Criminal Charges For Financial Abuse Of Elderly Family Member
The past two years have seen most families around the country endure a sustained period of financial hardship, and areas that were already struggling financially before the COVID-19 pandemic have suffered the most. While economic necessity can bring out the resilience and resourcefulness in people, when life gives you a steady stream of lemons,… Read More »

Owner Of Oddities Museum And Macabre Ecommerce Store Charged With Attempting To Buy Stolen Human Bones
Most defendants in criminal cases plead guilty, and the ones that do not usually advance one of several common defenses. For example, they might argue that the evidence the prosecution has presented is not strong enough to prove that the defendant committed the crime. They might also argue that the defendant’s actions do not… Read More »

Pittsburgh Man Accused Of Stealing County Maintenance Truck And Crashing It
Even for those of us who do not have a larcenous bone in our bodies, certain items of public property are a source of temptation. During study hall periods in high school, even the most straitlaced kids and the teachers’ pets shoot the breeze about which street signs they would most like to steal. … Read More »

North Wales Police Issue Arrest Warrant For Home Contractor Accused Of Defrauding Homeowners
When you are trying to find a contractor to make repairs to your house or condo, you probably research the contractor’s reputation online before you contact them. Disgruntled customers tend not to be shy about voicing their opinions in online reviews, and if they wrote the reviews in anger, then the contractor’s work or… Read More »

Jury Acquits Police Chief of Theft by Deception
If you have not formally studied law or been a party in a lawsuit, it can be easy to mix up what the civil courts do and what the criminal courts do. The criminal courts are different from the other parts of the court system in several important ways. First, criminal cases are always… Read More »
Suspect steals police car, faces 12 charges
As a criminal defense attorney in the Pittsburgh area for more than a quarter century, I have seen some pretty crazy things and situations that would make most people do a double take upon reading the story. A story out of Beaver County last week is one of those instances. There are now more than a… Read More »
Pennsylvania man charged with burglary
When a person is accused in any criminal investigation, police often use tip lines and public assistance to locate them. For one Pennsylvania man, those tips led to police surveillance throughout the day on Friday, May 9, eventually leading to his arrest on the same day. According to police, the man is being charged… Read More »