Category Archives: Juvenile Crimes

A Criminal Defense Lawyer Is Your Best Protection Against Direct File Of Juvenile Cases
Adults often try to scare teenagers out of illegal activities such as stealing and illegal drug use by arguing that a juvenile case will ruin a person’s entire future. The juvenile court system is set up to prevent this from happening. If you get adjudicated delinquent in juvenile court, the record of this incident… Read More »

Two Carlisle Teens Charged as Adults for Armed Robbery
When you think back to your teenage years, you can probably remember many things that you regret doing and saying. Whether your teen self experimented with drugs and frequently got into fistfights or simply did foolish and unkind things like skipping school and spreading malicious rumors, mostly for the purpose of impressing your peers,… Read More »

Pennsylvania Courts Decide on a Case by Case Basis Whether to Try Teens Charged with Violent Crimes as Adults
Most teenagers are physically and emotionally immature; consequently, they commit foolish and sometimes criminal acts that they may have cause to regret. For that reason, and with a few clearly defined exceptions, including felonies associated with extremely violent crimes, firearms violations, drug trafficking or sex offenses, it is the underlying policy of the criminal… Read More »
Kennywood fighters charged with juvenile crimes
If your son or daughter has been charged with juvenile crimes, it’s important that you consult a Pittsburgh juvenile crimes lawyer to keep them safe from problems in the future. Issues can arise for kids who have been arrested for juvenile crimes when they apply for work, the military, or student loans. You want your kids… Read More »
17-year-old Thornhill arrested for shooting three at Monroeville Mall
When we read about serious juvenile crimes, there is generally some sad subplot that pervades in the lives of these kids’ stories that is lost in the context of things. Often times, a troubling home life and sketchy upbringing can be the difference between a young man (or woman) excelling in life and leading a… Read More »
Texas teen busted with marijuana brownies eludes life sentence
Pittsburgh Drug Crimes Attorney As a Pittsburgh drug crimes defense attorney, I get a lot of questions about marijuana possession and distribution. Last school year, when a boy from Seneca Valley was busted for selling marijuana-induced brownies, I had several emails from parents and young adults asking me about the laws surrounding marijuana and other… Read More »
Bedford boy charged with juvenile crimes
Pittsburgh juvenile offense attorney As a Pittsburgh juvenile crimes lawyer, I have dealt with hundreds upon hundreds of parents and their children. As a father myself, I understand that kids can do some pretty dumb things and I’m never surprised at the stories I hear on a day-to-day basis. Often times, most parents I speak to… Read More »
Underage drinking and juvenile crimes up around graduation time
Juvenile crimes such as underage drinking and disorderly conduct always spike this time of year. This is due in large part to summer beginning and more teens and young adults having freedom, but it also has a lot to do with graduation parties and the propensity for parents to allow underage kids to drink in… Read More »
UPDATE: A Lifetime Behind Bars for Juvenile Offenders Dealt Huge Blow
On June 25, 2012, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a ruling in the consolidated cases Jackson v. Hobbs and Miller v. Alabama. In a hotly contested 5-4 decision, the justices struck down mandatory life sentences without parole for juvenile offenses as a violation of the Eighth Amendment prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment. The new ruling does not mean life… Read More »
Juvenile crimes: student sells “pot brownies” at Seneca Valley
Juvenile crimes encompasses a lot of different areas of law. When a juvenile is caught with drugs, it can ruin the rest of their youth and even affect their chances of getting into college or finding employment after high school. If your son or daughter has been accused of possessing or selling drugs, you will need a… Read More »