Category Archives: HealthCare Fraud

Allison Park Doctor Charged with Fraud for Writing Unlawful Prescriptions for Opioids
The current opioid abuse epidemic has changed the public conversation about drug abuse and addiction. In the past, public opinion often attached blame on addicts for their drug-related problems or, alternatively, created an image of predatory drug dealers attempting to get young people “hooked on” drugs for financial gain. However, the focus of the… Read More »
Physician to be sentenced for healthcare fraud
Healthcare fraud is one of those white collar crimes that can land physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals in jail for a long time. Doctors who commit healthcare are rarely ever able to practice again and nurses usually lose their licenses as well. People who are accused of healthcare fraud need experienced attorneys on… Read More »
Healthcare fraud is a serious white collar crime
White collar crimes such as healthcare insurance fraud and Medicare or Medicaid fraud in order to obtain an illegal gain by deceiving your healthcare providers is a crime that may come with heavy penalties and even jail time. Since the recession hit in 2008, there has been a drastic increase in these types of white… Read More »
Man arrested for fraud impersonated doctor for free resort stays
Committing fraud can lead to jail time, restitution payments, and a record that most reputable employers will scoff at when they do your background check. Impersonating someone else of high status in order to monetarily benefit from the good faith others are duped into having in you is considered fraud, and if you’re caught you… Read More »