Author Archives: Site Administrator

Refusing a Breathalyzer Test in Pennsylvania in 2018
When a driver is pulled over on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol, one of the ways in which law enforcement confirms their suspicion is to have the driver take a breathalyzer test. Although constitutional protections against self-incrimination allow drivers to refuse to submit to chemical testing of breath, all applicants for… Read More »

Pennsylvania May Increase Penalties for Repeat DUI Offenders
Operating a motor vehicle requires constant attention. In addition to maintaining control of the vehicle, the driver must also be able to respond to outside conditions, whether from the environment or other drivers on the road. Therefore, the Vehicle Code requires every driver to be alert and focused at all times. Unfortunately, some drivers… Read More »
The Most Dangerous (and Safest) Cities in Pennsylvania
In an effort to determine which cities in the state of Pennsylvania are the safest and which are the most dangerous, The Law Offices of Gary E. Gerson enlisted the help of data visualization firm 1Point 21 Interactive. First, we had to identify factors that directly affect the personal safety of each city’s residents. While crime… Read More »
Answers to some of your DNA questions
In the past, we have discussed the subject of DNA evidence in relation to criminal cases on this blog. The particular post discussed a man who was wrongfully imprisoned for twenty-four years. The man was convicted of a string of sex crimes. After more than two decades in jail, DNA evidence finally cleared his… Read More »
Are you unsure about applying for a job with a “criminal” background?
As a Pittsburgh criminal defense attorney, one question I surprisingly get asked a lot is about what people should answer on applications if they’ve been charged and convicted of a crime. Because all applications are different, the answer to this question varies; however, the simple answer is: always tell the truth. Not too long… Read More »
So you’ve been served a bench warrant
A common criminal defense question I’m asked is about bench warrants and what people who have a bench warrant can do to keep themselves out of jail and get their issue resolved as soon as possible. If you have a bench warrant, call criminal defense attorney Gary Gerson and stop those sleepless nights, worrying… Read More »
Do you have questions about travel restrictions?
Many of my clients express to me that once their cases are over and done with, they would like to leave the area and start over a new life somewhere different. This makes sense because when people learn from their mistakes, they often decide that the environment in which they live is not conducive… Read More »
Are you a student who was arrested with marijuana?
Now that the spring semester is in full force, I have been receiving a lot of calls and emails from parents and students about marijuana laws. Here in Pittsburgh, we are a major center for higher education with close to a dozen institutions for continuing education within a few-mile radius. Marijuana laws in Pennsylvania… Read More »
Have you been arrested for violating probation?
When a person is convicted of a crime in Pennsylvania, a judge will oftentimes give the defendant probation as a part of his or her sentencing in lieu of jail time, or in addition to jail time. In many instances, probation is viewed as a second chance in the criminal justice system, or as… Read More »
Underage drunk driving
Getting pulled over for driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is one thing, but you’re pulled over for DUI and you’re underage, you may have to worry about more than just a small fine and short license suspension. What many underage drinkers and drivers fail to realize is that if you are… Read More »