Monthly Archives: December 2024

Pittsburgh Entrepreneur Pleads Guilty To Bankruptcy Fraud
Accurate calculations, especially in the service of predictions, can help you be successful in business, but so can being vague about numbers and their significance in the right situations. Business owners get away with fuzzy accounting on a regular basis; most of the time, no one finds out until there is a tax audit… Read More »

Pennsylvania Couple Faces Charges For Obtaining Thousands Of Gabapentin Pills Through Fraud
In the days of the pill mills, you could walk out of a pain clinic in Florida with hundreds of oxycodone pills and bring them back to Pennsylvania for resale. Today, if anyone had that many oxycodone pills in the same place at the same time, anywhere except locked up in a pharmacy, it… Read More »

Pennsylvania Man Charged With Fraud For Selling Forgeries Of Renaissance Era Printing Blocks
If a museum discovered that a painting it had been displaying for decades was not, as it claimed to be, the work of a famous artist who lived centuries ago, but rather a more recent forgery, this would be front page news. Lots of people buy artwork, not for museums, but for their own… Read More »

When An Accuser’s Testimony Is The Only Evidence
Forensic evidence has come a long way in the past century. To appreciate this, try watching true crime documentaries about crimes that occurred in the 19th century or earlier. For example, in the 1830s in Scotland, four people were accused of killing people in order to supply bodies for surgeons to dissect in the… Read More »